Signet Cadiz

American Alpine

[Cah-diz] n. seaport on Spain's southwestern coast.

Cadiz is the only ’07 doeling we saved back to kid out for us. And she has been a very rewarding one! Not only is she typey and correct, her udder is exceptionally well built, with very nice teats, and beautiful fore-udder attachment. She milks out as smooth as butter and so easy it’s a pleasure.
With her very generous production underscoring her smooth lines and general dairyness, we are highly pleased with this girl.
As a super nice bonus, her charming disposition made her (straight out of the gate, so to speak,) one of the best behaved milkers in the barn.

Udpate March, '13: It was a sad day here this week... when we lost Signet Cadiz in the early morning. Mycotoxin poisoning had struck again. It is so vicious, and goes so quick... We had been feeding alfalfa for a few months now, and it looked like it was okay... but that day it wasn't.
I have ordered a sign to hang in the barn "Give Oil at any sign of distress". It never hurts, and can save lives. Sorry, pretty girl... you will be remembered.

She was milking 11.5 at a month fresh.

2013: Kidded out with twin black bucks, gorgeous looking fellows. Once again she shows off her milky lines by being a top producer in the milk parlor.


3 yrs. old, Cadiz at State Fair, second place, best udder, 2010.



2012: Kidded with twins again, and again really putting it into the bucket. Her consistancy of production is a beautiful thing.

2011: Kidded with twins beginning of Feb. ... milking 11 lbs daily by the end of Feb.

2010: Look at the pictures at right! What a beauty! At State Fair 2010, Cadiz and Ave took first place Dam & Produce.

2009: Cadiz kidded out with twin doelings in May. She is now producing on average eleven lbs. a day, as a two year old! We are very pleased!

2008 As a first freshener, when I went down in the morning and discovered that she had kidded out with a single buckling, I milked her out free in the loafing pen, and she never once offered any trouble at all, but stood as handily as any seasoned and gentle milker.

This beautiful ease in handling is a credit to her mother, Signet Ave, and no surprise from her father, Signet Sir Guy Joselyn. These two have some of the best dispositions I have ever had the great pleasure to work with in over 17 years of handling goats, not only our own, but those of many other breeders. ('08)


2nd from left; Cadiz' grandma Duchess, w/ progeny; '04.