
Signet Dairy Goats welcomes you to our special place of Happiness.

We feel very strongly that the best environment for animals is the one that the Lord designed, and our herd ranges on open pasture whenever possible. The natural instincts of goats allow them to make use of forage even during winter when the plants are dead, and their browser's diet is substantially benefitted by the variety of forage options. A well rounded and variable diet helps keep health in optimum condition.

Because of this the herd gets plenty of exercise in good clean air and fresh ground, making for a better start in life for the young ones. We are proud of our young does and bucks and are glad that their new owners can look forward to them having long and productive lives as part of the family.

When we talk about records on our does, it is not DHIA records, since we don't have a Officail Tester anywhere close. So intsead we do it ourselves, (On years that we test!) We test weekly by weight, using a Polouze scale measuring to tenths of a pound. We consider production, length of lactation, conformation, and workablity into the equation when deciding who to keep replacement does from. Our goal is a well-rounded doe which will give a long life-time's worth of milk, joy and affection to her owners.



A goat's words of good wishes.

'May your hooves always be trimmed, and your ears never!'