Maltipoo Puppy memory page!

Nigel, Vanilla & Harvey at 6 weeks old.

Velvet, my 5.5 lb. tiny toy poodle, had three Malti-poo puppies March 4th. It was the only pups she had with us, and now she's an old lady of 10 years old, very retired and indulged... but she enjoyed her trio of babies very much and so did those they went to!

A white male, a white female and a dark male who is bob-tailed. (Apparently this is not unheard of, but it is rather rare.)

They all got lots of attention... as the only pups in years and years, socialization was not a problem! (This was before Tervurens came into our lives.)

They spent the first several days next to the kitchen table, then were moved to beside the couch in the living room. They grew so fast, it was amazing to see!

Posted April 25th.

Got some puppy videos put together and put up... they're getting to be so much fun to watch now! Check them out, they're so cute!

Harvey's video is here.

See Nigel in action here.

Vanilla is here.

They have been well started on their housetraining, they go potty outside, (in grass or gravel,) as soon as they are set down. They have spent a good deal of time outside in the fresh air, running around the lawn and rampaging through daffodils! When inside they have paper, and though they are too young to hold it, they go willingly outside, so should get better as they get older.
 I have not allowed them to run over the threshold, and through the door; so that they will not get the idea of bolting into houses. They are small enough that being accidentally closed in a door could do them real damage. When I go to bring them in after their potty breaks and exercise, I carry them in a basket, (nobody slips out that way.) I set the basket down a few feet from the door and ask "Ready to go inside?" If they are, they climb promptly in and sit down! It really is cute to see these little guys already responding to signals. If one wants to go in, but the others are having trouble deciding, that one will climb in and sit tight, ready and waiting while the others goof off still!
  Using the basket this way, even if they are right beside the door, (it opens in,) when I open it they move away from the door a few feet, which is a good life-habit to my way of thinking. Since we talk to them, and they are used to this two-way conversation, when they are older they can begin to be invited to trot through the door themselves, but hopefully will never 'dash' and get hurt.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Posted April 10th.

New Puppy Pics! Six weeks old.

Vanilla is such a cutie! She looks great as arm candy...

...and likes cuddling!

Nigel does too, as a matter of fact.

And he looks good in plaid, of course.


And here's Harvey! Looking dapper...

...and looking out for shoals in the sea of his imagination. Ah, young adventurers!

Vanilla says "Pick me up, please!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Posted April 10th.

New Puppy Pics! Five weeks old.

Bard likes babies, and the littler the better. Luckily, they like him too!

The puppies are getting to go outside now on the nice days and are loving all the new sights and sounds, and new friends they meet. They are beginning the idea of house training by getting used to going potty on the grass and gravel. They are getting very good at that, even though they are still very young.

Harvey is getting quite apricot colored. Nigel is still just jet black.

And Vanna is rambunctious as ever!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Posted April 1st.

New Puppy Pics! Four weeks old.

They've got their eyes open and their legs under them, and they are taking on the world! Or at least their siblings.


Here, Harvey pins Nigel down. And it's a win!

Vanilla & Harvey. "Pose for the pictures, have to sit still."

Then it's back at it!

The Nigel/Vanilla fight continues!

Nigel and Harvey just like to be buddies and stay calm.

And Harvey's just a love bug.


Thanks for looking! More pictures will be coming!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Posted March 12th.

Updated Puppy Pics! At 10 days old.

Here's Harvey. At one week, already so much bigger!


Little bobtailed Nigel.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Posted March 8th.

Puppies are Here!

Velvet, our 5.5 lb. tiny toy poodle, had three Malti-poo puppies the evening of March 4th!

First a white male, then a white female and then a dark male who is bob-tailed. (Apparently this is not unheard of, but it is rather rare.)

Mom, the dark boy and the white girl at a few days old.

They are all getting lots of attention... socialization won't be a problem here!

From left: wt. male "Harvey", black "Nigel", wt. girl "Vanilla".


They spent the first several days next to the kitchen table, then were moved to beside the couch in the living room. They are growing fast, it's an amazing thing to see!

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